Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Little Italy: Where Baby Unicorns are Born

I love sandwiches and new york is like the king of all the sandwiches. a love of sandwiches+an internship in New York= a blog about sandwiches.

For those who do not know me i think it is appropriate to give a quick look into my culinary lifestyle so you can better understand where i am coming from. I like to consider myself a foody. that being said, i think it would be more appropriate to say that i am a foody much like bob dylan is a singer- dedicated but unrefined. So, when other people turn to the finer things in food i turn to sandwiches, hamburgers, nachos, and pizza. It seems most of my peers have graduated from the high school of food and moved onto a more mature menu while I, instead of moving on, decided "i like this meat between bread thing quite a bit, ill hang around here for a while longer."

now that you know a little about my eating habits lets get down to business.

Little Italy: Corn Beef Sandwich. Visited 4/27/010

Foods Andy Loves and Can Obviously Nosh (F.A.L.C.O.N.) Rating System:
13/10 Falcons

In the course of a man's life there are what I like to call "what now, sucka!" moments. they are moments that pop up when you think everything is perfect. you think your life is all figured out. and then Providence karate chops you in the back of the neck and screams "What now, sucka!". While you metaphorically writhe on the ground in absolute, disorienting pain you realize that your perfect situation was not as awesome as you thought it was. i think falling in love falls into this category, as does investing with bernie madoff. however, sometimes these "what now, sucka" momemts can change your life for the better. take the corn beef sandwich from little italy. never has a sandwich ever made me change my opinion on something as fundamental as my distaste for the east coast and particularly new york.

I first encountered this sandwich back in september while on the Jeff Sheets Agency Cattle Drive in New York (you labbers know what im talking about). We made a stop near Saatchi and Saatchi and were allotted a half hour break to go out and fend for ourselves. at this point i had pretty much written new york off. there was something about the lack of "west coast chill" in new york that made me feel stuffed up and semi-allergic. i had no intentions of attempting an internship out here. then on this half hour lunch break everything changed: i ate the best sandwich of my life.

it was like biting into solid gold garnished with butterflies. i think an angel gets its wings every time some one eats this sandwich. that sandwich had haunted me for the past eight months or so and i determined to go back to new york so i could get the sandwich again... and get an internship along the way.

then, on tuesday april 27, Dr. Cornbeef and I had an appointment with destiny and he mended my broken heart, an angel got its wings, and Tinkerbell came back to life. you must come to new york and try this sandwich.