a competition of rivaling nations pitted together to fight with out arms on the pitch of history. no other competition in the world holds so much in the balance. just listen to the match-ups of this current world cup and look at it in a world history perspective. germany vs. england (battle of brittain, etc.). netherlands vs. denmark (i dont know much about their history, but i think they might be neighbors and i know they are european so chances are they hate eachother) . mexico vs. france (can anybody say francisco goya saw this coming?). and africa vs. any western country (do i even need to mention why africa should be mad at everybody?). would we really want to give up the world cup in exchange for peace. only a bunch of cat lovers would even have to think about that.
one of the best games in terms of high school world history was played a few weeks ago in the first round of games... USA vs. England. now that is a strong history cocktail: the stamp act, the burning of washington dc, us bailing england out of two world wars, monte python "and now for something completely different", etc. travesties, all of them. So, in order to celebrate the USA against England i decided to eat a sandwich... at a pub.

Liam's Pub and Restaurant: Club Sandwich
F.A.L.C.O.N. Rating
8/10 falcons
sometimes sandwiches are like cakes. i know if i were to say that to my sister, kelly, she would say "no way. no way no how. cake would kill sandwich with his bare hands". In fact, my level of obsession for sandwiches pales in comparison to kelly's love for cake. Any ways, sandwiches are like cakes. not all cakes taste great. and some very important cakes never taste good. I watch the next food network challenge fairly often and some of the cakes the people make look awesome, but probably taste like wet flour covered in play dough. ive had some wedding cakes that would make you wish you had just eaten a handful of thumb tacks. that being said, the bride and groom don't care how the cake tastes, they just got married and im sure that is all that matters. you see, cake is about as good as the situation. A great ice cream cake eaten all by yourself is just sad (unless you are liz lemon, then it is attractive), and a BP oil spill cake eaten by you and good company in outer space is awesome! sometimes sandwiches are like cakes.
the situation. U.S.A. beats england 1-1. we eventually win the group only to be beaten by our new rival and downright lousy country Ghana (back off PC police, it isn't a lousy country cause its in africa, its a lousy country because their red and yellow uniforms sucked). the ambiance in the pub that day, back to USA vs England, was amazing. in one corner we had captain america: a shirtless man with an american flag as a cape and a worn our straw cowboy hat covering a head full of obscenities. in the other corner their was king england, red and white face paint, all kinds of cool/articulate chants, and shirtless as well.
the company. In one corner we had katie: mild mannered girl, great smile, could kick it with the boys, and willing to listen to me act like an idiot while she probably knew more about soccer than i did. In the other corner we have trevor: anything but a mild mannered girl, he's a boy, and about as mild mannered as a cat in a washing machine. trevor, thoug

The sandwich. Katie and I were feeling a little hungry from all the freedom vs. tyranny on the tv, so we ordered an all american club sandwich. it was really good, especially considering we bought it at a bar (this pub might be a hidden gem, i took my friend oliver here a few weeks late and he had a hamburger and i had nachos... both were great as well). The bacon on the sandwich was crispy, the turkey had that authentic wet yet dry texture similar to that of a british comedy underwater, and the bread was toasted whole wheat delicious.
So, while i sat and watched the USA humiliate Robert Green and lay the ground work for a disappointing world cup for both countries, i ate a great sandwich. i dont even remember what it tasted like. just that it tasted like great company, and an awesome soccer game.
Just to finish. this has nothing to do with sandwiches, but check out my favorite subway mosaic. Its a bear wearing clothes. Hilarious. trust me.

haha i laughed out loud so many times reading this. i don't think you could have described Trevor more perfectly.